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Bank Muamalat Tangerang City Branch distributes 200 Blessing Packages to Mustahik

Tangerang, June 8 2018 - PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk ("Bank Muamalat") KC Tangerang City synergizes with Baitulmaal Muamalat (BMM) to hold an event entitled Giving 200 Blessing Packages, Istiqomah in Sharia Road to 200 people consisting of santri, orphans, and dhuafa. The event, which was held at the Al-A'zom Great Mosque, the largest mosque in Tangerang City became a momentum to distribute donation packages in the form of compensation and basic necessities to ease the burden of mustahik expenditure in preparation for the Iedul Fitri 1439 H.

The program that was part of the 'Ramadhan Berkah 1439 H' program and held by Bank Muamalat throughout Indonesia (selindo) was attended by:

Head of the Tangerang City Ministry of Religion, Bpk H. Mudini, S.Sos.I., MM.
Tangerang City Ministry of Religion Hajj and Umrah Hajj Section Section Head, Mr. H. Basuni
Chairman of KBIH Tangerang City FK, Mr. H. Sauqi
Chairman of the UPZ Al-A'zhom, Mr. Ust. Masduqi Asnawi
Guardian of the Nafidatunnajah Foundation
Pembina Al-Muqriyah Foundation
Trustees of the Qur'anic Nahdatul Ulum Foundation
Ibnu Sabil Foundation Trustees
Falahiyah Foundation coach

In addition, this event was also attended by several Foundation Heads around the City of Tangerang, and all employees of Bank Muamalat Tangerang City Branch as well as various levels of society. The event also involved the Al-A'zom Mosque Zakat Collection Unit (UPZ). There are also interactive booths that can be visited by the community.

Branch Manager of Bank Muamalat, Tangerang City KC, Septarina Purnama Sari stated, "Thank God, the collaboration between Bank Muamalat and Baitulmaal Muamalat can be implemented in 2018. I hope this kind of program can continue to be carried out every year and can reach a wider and equitable layer of mustahik society, both in big and remote cities so that it can be a benefit and blessing for all of us "

Septarina added, "This compensation program is our awareness in helping mustahik to anticipate soaring prices ahead of Eid, so that this contribution can be a blessing in the end of Ramadan. Our hope is that this activity can increase the sense of concern for all of us to participate in elevating the degree and improving the quality of the people belonging to mustahik. Alhamdulillah, we are able to work together with BMM and collaborate with UPZ Al-A'zom Mosque in Tangerang City to give value, benefits, and, proof of support in the form of donations that are right on target and can be utilized, especially in the blessed month of Ramadan. "

This program is proof of the commitment of Bank Muamalat and BMM to advance the economic sector of the Indonesian people, especially for the mustahik. The most expected thing from this activity is the blessing and togetherness felt by the community so that they are able to erode the poverty rate gradually in Indonesia.

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