About Muamalat
About Muamalat

Rencana Penambahan Modal Bank Muamalat


PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk ("Bank Muamalat") is planning additional capital to boost performance and support future business growth. This plan is one of the results in the eyes of the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 in Jakarta.


Purnomo B. Soetadi as Plt. Director of Bank Muamalat explained that the additional capital is done not by selling existing shares, but by issuing new shares (rights issue).


"Under the HMETD (Pre-emptive Rights) process, the existing shareholders are given the opportunity to purchase the new shares, in which Bank Muamalat has entered into a Conditional Share Subscription Agreement with PT Minna Padi Investama Sekuritas Tbk (" Minna Padi ") As standby buyer," explained Purnomo.


 The process to the right issue is currently underway following the provisions of the regulator. KH Ma'ruf Amin Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Bank Muamalat who helped oversee the right issue is hoping that every process goes according to sharia and in accordance with the expectations of the people. "God willing, the management and shareholders of Bank Muamalat will carry out this right issue process with the trust and the best, for the betterment of Bank Muamalat and sharia finance industry in Indonesia," hope KH Ma'ruf Amin.


Any information relating to corporate action plans will be submitted and updated on the Bank Muamalat website in accordance with public information disclosure regulations.

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