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Anti Ponzi Schemes, Bank Muamalat and At Tayibah Al Multazam AAG Group Launches Umrah Planning Hajj Stages

Jakarta, February 20, 2019 - Cases of misuse of prospective pilgrims' funds had shocked the Homeland pilgrimage and umrah travel industry some time ago. The lure of low cost makes people flock to register. But in the end many prospective pilgrims failed to leave because the money they deposited was not managed properly.


Therefore, PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. and At Tayibah Al Multazam Group AAG collaborated to create a safe savings program called the Hajj and Umrah Berencana Stages (THUB). This program also cooperates with BUMN insurance company Askrindo Syariah. Grand launching of the THUB program was held at the Muamalat Tower Ballroom on Wednesday, 20 February 2019 attended by Bank Muamalat Retail Business Director Purnomo B. Soetadi, President Director of PT. At Tayibah Al Multazam Group AAG Rizki Sembada, Sharia Advisory Board PT AtTayibah Al Multazam AAG Group Ustad Sofyan Baswedan and Marketing Director of Askrindo Syariah Supardi Najamudin. Also present were representatives from the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.


Purnomo said that the case of misuse of Umrah funds was caused by the collection of prospective pilgrims' funds in accounts belonging to travel companies. This is different from the THUB program where prospective pilgrim funds are deposited in the bank accounts of each participant.


"Banks are highly regulated institutions and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Because in this program the bank was involved so that the customer's hajj and umrah funds were safe and secure, "he said.


Savings in the private account of the congregation using a special account system. That is, the funds cannot be withdrawn except for umrah or emergency services such as being seriously ill or dying. Even Umrah organizers cannot withdraw funds before repayment occurs.


Meanwhile, Rizki added that the THUB program is a combination of umrah savings and networking system collaboration. This program is the first and only one in Indonesia and has obtained a copyright certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. He also stressed that this program did not use the Ponzi scheme at all and was not the same as the Multi Level Marketing (MLM) program.


"We collaborate with Bank Muamalat and Askrindo Syariah so that the security of customer funds is guaranteed. If it fails to depart, the customer funds are guaranteed to return 100%, "Rizki said.


The initial deposit for this program is IDR 3.5 million for the Silver category outside the administration fee. While for the Gold and Platinum categories, each of them was IDR 4.35 million and IDR 5.2 million (assuming the exchange rate was IDR 14,000 / USD). Subsequent payments are made every month and deposited into the bank's own account for 36 times. Pilgrims can get a free monthly deposit by inviting other worshipers to join until the savings are paid off.


After being registered, prospective pilgrims will get a 1hram card that can be used to transact on all Al Rajhi ATM machines in the Holy Land. In addition, a 1hram debit Shar-E card can also be used at all merchants and more than 18,000 ATMs with a VISA logo in the Holy Land.


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