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About Muamalat

Promo Rawatan Medis Kelas Dunia di Rumah Sakit UCSI Malaysia




UCSI Hospital Malaysia

Promo Name


“Rawatan Medis Kelas Dunia di Rumah Sakit UCSI Malaysia”

Promo Period


January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025, valid everyday within promo period start from 9.00 am to 11.59 pm WIB



Enjoy the convenience and comfort of world-class treatment in Malaysia, only 30 minutes from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia airport. With a Team of Experienced Specialist Doctors, the Latest and Most Advanced Medical Technology and World Health Standards, Close and Affordable.

Program Promo


A. 10% All Types of Inpatient Rooms

B. 5% Off Selected Premium Medical Check Ups

C. 5% Off Selected Premium Medical Check Ups

For complete information, click the following link: https://bit.ly/BMIxUCSIMalaysia25

Card Type


Valid for Muamalat Priority Shar-E Debit Card

Place of Purchase


UCSI Hospital Malaysia

Terms and Conditions


  1. This program only applies to Muamalat Priority Customers.
  2. Transactions using the Share-E Debit Priority Card issued by Bank Muamalat.
  3. Patients  or  Customers  are required to make a Medical Appointment reservation in advance via UCSI Hospital Malaysia Call/WhatsApp: +6066488888/+601135083600 At least 7 (seven) working days before departure to Malaysia. 
  4. Confirmation of Medical Appointment will be communicated by the UCSI Hospital to the Patient or Customer. 
  5. After receiving confirmation of the Medical Appointment, the patient or customer is required to prepare round-trip flight tickets, hotel reservations and fill out the Malaysia Digital Arrival Card (MDAC) form.
  6. Hotel reservations, round trip flight tickets and other accommodation are made by the Patient or Customer. 
  7. Patients or Customers are required to bring and show a Bank Muamalat Shar-E Debit Priority Card according to the name stated on the Medical Appointment confirmation letter. 
  8. If patients or Customers encounter problems while at Malaysia Airport, they can refer to the Mastura Binti Abdul Kadir (+60 18-2320186).
  9. Patients or customers can visit the I.P.C (International Patient Center) counter at each hospital for further assistance while at Hospital Malaysia. 
  10. The payment method accepted by the hospital for this promo program is by using the Bank Muamalat Shar-E Debit Priority Card.



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Q & A Program


Questions and Answers


What is UCSI Hospital Malaysia?

UCSI Hospital Malaysia is a hospital that offers a variety of health services with modern technology and an experienced medical team.


How do I get treatment at UCSI Hospital Malaysia?

For those of you who wish to seek treatment, you can contact UCSI Hospital Malaysia first to reserve treatment and free pick-up and drop-off from KLIA Airport or Hotel to the Hospital.


How to pay for transactions at UCSI Hospital Malaysia?

Transaction payments can be made directly by showing the Muamalat Priority Shar-E Debit Card..


Are there any attractive promos if you transact at UCSI Hospital Malaysia using a Muamalat Priority Shar-E Debit card?

  • 10% All Types of Inpatient Rooms
  • 5% Off Selected Premium Medical Check Ups
  • Pick up from KLIA Airport or Hotel to Hospital

For complete Health Screening Package information, click the following link: https://bit.ly/BMIxUCSIMalaysia25


Does this promo apply to all Shar-E Debit Muamalat cards?

This promo is only valid for Muamalat Priority Shar-E Debit Cards


When is this promo period?

The promo period is 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2025 (08:00 - 23:59), valid everyday during the promo period


Does this promo have a quota? If so, what happens if I shop but the quota has run out? And is there a minimum transaction amount?

There is no usage quota limit for this promo


Does this promo have a limit?

There is no limit to the Bank Muamalat x UCSI Hospital Malaysia Promo

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