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Bank Muamalat and BMM Distribute Zakat in Hijrah Fest Palu 2019

Palu, 26 September 2019 - PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. together with Baitulmaal Muamalat (BMM) participated in the 2019 Hijrahfest event held in Palu, Central Sulawesi. In this activity, BMM channeled zakat funds through Muamalat Bank in the amount of Rp25 million.


The donation was given symbolically by the Executive Director of Baitulmaal Muamalat Teten Kustiawan on Thursday (26/09/2019) at the Jodjokodi Convention Center (JCC) in Palu.


Teten said, the participation of Bank Muamalat and Baitulmaal Muamalat in this activity was one of the real forms of the company in supporting the hijrah movement in the country. This is also in line with the #AyoHijrah campaign launched by Bank Muamalat.


"As a pioneer of Islamic banks in Indonesia, Bank Muamalat Indonesia has always been consistent in supporting activities that are fostering Islamic spirit. Hopefully this participation can be beneficial for the development of the hijrah movement in Central Sulawesi," he said.


On the same occasion Bank Muamalat and BMM informed about the Duzun Zakat Muamalat (DZM) program in collaboration with PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMI). The three of them together rebuilt the house of Central Sulawesi earthquake victims with the concept of a recycle house that uses building materials from the earthquake.


A total of 320 hope houses in Saloya, Marana, Kavaya and Oti Villages, Donggala Regency have been built with a total construction cost of Rp 8,122,584,000.00 including three madrassas, nine wells and santis.


Symbolizing the inauguration of the DZM at the Hijrahfest event, BMM and PT SMI gave acrylic house numbers to one of the beneficiaries of the house of hope. The number of beneficiaries of house of hope is 320 families or equal to 1,277 inhabitants.


Not only that, along with the event BMM and Bank Muamalat provided humanitarian assistance to the people of Oti Village and Saloya Village, Donggala Regency. The assistance was in the form of a package of school supplies and groceries with a total aid valued at Rp 138,240,000.00.


"We hope that with a series of BMM programs in Central Sulawesi, especially in Donggala Regency, people can return to normal life and quickly rise to develop their regions. Hopefully this will be proof of brotherhood among the nation's children and the real role of zakat in improving welfare, "Teten said.

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