About Muamalat
About Muamalat

Makes Healthy Living Easier with U by Prodia




PT Prodia Digital Indonesia (U by Prodia)

Promo Name


“Makes Healthy Living Easier with U by Prodia”

Promo Period


1 January – December 31, 2025, valid everyday within promo period start from 9.00 am to 11.59 pm WIB



Discount for using the Muamalat Visa Shar-E Debit Card via the Online Debit service using the U by Prodia x Bank Muamalat Voucher Code

Card Type


Valid for Muamalat Shar-E Visa Debit Card

Place of Purchase


U by Prodia App

Terms and Conditions


  1. The program is valid for 1 (one) transaction per debit card per day
  2. The program only applies to the Second Party U by Prodia Application
  3. Program applies to purchasing certain products on the Second Party U by Prodia Application (according to point 3 above)
  4. The program applies to all types of Bank Muamalat debit cards
  5. Promo is only valid if you use the promo code listed.
  6. Promocode is entered on the payment page before making payment.
  7. Promocodes cannot be combined with other promos so the promo that the system will read is the biggest promo.
  8. Promotion cannot be refunded.



SalaMuamalat 1500016


Q & A Program


Questions and Answers


What is U by Prodia?

U by Prodia is a health application that helps users monitor their health, plan treatment and achieve a healthier lifestyle


Through what media do you make transactions at U by Prodia?

To make transactions at U by Prodia, you can use the U by Prodia mobile application which can be downloaded on Playstore for Android smartphones or App Store for iOS smartphones.


How to pay for transactions at U by Prodia?

Transactions payment at U by Prodia can use the Shar-E Debit Muamalat card with the Visa logo, because now it has an online debit feature that can be used for online shopping payments through e-commerce/online shops.



Are there any attractive promos if you transact at U by Prodia using a Muamalat Shar-E Debit card with the Visa logo?



Does this promo apply to all Shar-E Debit Muamalat cards?

This promo is valid for Muamalat Shar-E Debit cards bearing the Visa logo with BIN 489025 and 498864 (Classic, Gold, 1hram and Prioritas).


Is there a special voucher code that must be entered to get this promo?

  • 10% Saving Promo: Valid for all Lab Test examinations: UMUAMALAT1025
  • 15% Savings Promo: Valid specifically for Cholesterol Plus Panel and Healthy Life 2 examinations: UMUAMALAT15P25
  • 15% savings promo, applies specifically to Dengue vaccine: UDENGUEMUA1525
  • 15% Savings Promo, applies specifically to the health plan “Fit Boost - Simple Exercise Plan 4 Weeks”: UFBMUA25


When is this promo period?

The promo period is 1 January – 31 December 2025 (08:00 - 23:59), valid everyday during the promo period


Does this promo have a quota? If so, what happens if I shop but the quota has run out? And is there a minimum transaction amount?

There is no usage quota limit for this promo


What types of ATM/Debit cards have Online Debit Services?

All types of cards bearing the Visa logo, namely Shar-E Debit Classic, Gold, 1HRAM and Priority cards with BIN 489025 and 498864


Does this promo apply for all types of products on U by Prodia?

Valid for predetermined promos: Lab Test Promo, Vaccine Promo, and Health Plan Promo 


Does this promo have a limit?

There is no limit to the Bank Muamalat x U by Prodia Promo

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