About Muamalat
About Muamalat

Bank Muamalat Expansion to Madura

Sumenep, 8 November 2018 - PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. expanded its business to Madura Island by opening a branch office in Sumenep Regency, East Java. This office is the first network of Bank Muamalat on the island.

The inauguration of the operation of the Sumenep Sub-Branch Office (KCP) was held on Thursday, November 8, 2018 by Retail Director of Bank Muamalat Purnomo B. Soetadi. Sumenep Regent A. Busyro Karim was also present at the inauguration.

Purnomo said, this new branch office is a relocation from the KCP in the Mulyosari area, Surabaya. Sumenep was chosen because it has great potential especially for the development of the Islamic banking business.

"The expansion to Madura Island is one of the points in the 2018 Bank Business Plan (RBB). We chose Sumenep because the economy in this region is developing and saving the potential of a large Islamic banking business," he said.
He explained, the business segments that have the opportunity to work on include hajj and umrah services, cooperation with educational institutions, and marine commodity-based businesses.

To note, the hajj registrants in Sumenep are quite large, with an average of 3000 people per year. Hajj registrants are potential customers to increase the company's low-cost portion of the fund. Other potential customers are 18 Islamic boarding schools, Islamic schools, universities and government agencies.

"The presence of Bank Muamalat in Sumenep is also to support the Sumenep Regional Government program in economic empowerment and sharia economic development," he added.

For information, Sumenep is boosting the tourism sector to support its economic growth. Tourism objects being developed include Giri Labak, Kangean and Sapudi.

Transportation access to Sumenep from East Java is also getting easier. In addition to land routes via the Suramadu bridge, Sumenep can also be accessed via air via the Juanda Airport, Surabaya-Trunojoyo Airport, Sumenep.

On the same day, Bank Muamalat also held a priority customer gathering gathering in Surabaya. This activity aims to increase customer loyalty while introducing the Ayo Hijrah campaign which is being echoed by the company.

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