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Bank Muamalat and BMM Renovate Sukabumi Residents' Homes

Sukabumi, 11 October 2019 - PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk together with Baitulmaal Muamalat (BMM) and Bakrie Amanah held a ceremony to start the Muamalat Blessing Program in Karawang Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. This program is in the form of renovating people's houses which are categorized as uninhabitable and unhealthy.


The ceremony was held at the Tarbiyatul Athfal Madrasah on Friday, October 11, 2019. Present in this activity were the Director of Retail Business at Muamalat Bank Purnomo B. Soetadi and BMM Executive Director Teten Kustiawan. Also present was Sukabumi Regent Marwan Hamami, General Manager of Bakrie Amanah Setiadi Ihsan along with invited guests who were BMM donors.




Purnomo said that the house is a basic need that is absolutely met in addition to other needs such as clothing and food. Therefore, Bank Muamalat and BMM took the initiative to provide housing renovation assistance using zakat funds and donor assistance. In total there are as many as 30 families in Karawang Village who have received housing renovation assistance.


"We understand that home is one of the basic needs that must be met. Therefore, in order to improve the welfare of the Karawang Village community, Bank Muamalat and BMM took the initiative to help build livable homes through the Muamalat Blessing House program, "he said.




Karawang village was chosen because most of the community's livelihoods were farm laborers so that the average income of the people in this village was low. This has an impact on building houses that are not livable and do not have good home sanitation. Unhealthy homes have the potential to cause illness that can lead to death.


Karawang village itself is located on a plateau near Sukabumi City. Flanked by three tourist destination locations namely Salabintana, Halimun Valley, and the Hanging Bridge.

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