Remuneration and Nomination Committee
Indonesian citizen, born in Jakarta, April 9, 1969. He obtained a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering degree from Institut Teknologi Bandung (1993), and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Graduate School of Business, Curtin University, Perth, Australia (1996). In addition, he received a Doctor of Economics degree from Trisakti University and became the best graduate with the title Cum Laude (2020).
He serves as a Lecturer at Ahmad Dahlan Institute of Technology and Business (2021 - present), Independent Commissioner of PT Bank Oke Indonesia Tbk (2019 - 2022), President Commissioner of PT Wisma Seratus Sejahtera (2014 - present), and President Commissioner of PT Syres Power Energy (2014 - 2019). He is the Commissioner of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk.
Serves as Member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in accordance with the Decree of the Board of Directors No. 038/B/DIR-KPTS/VIII/2024 on the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk dated August 1, 2024.
Indonesian citizen, born in Bogor, 14 February 1980. She obtained her Bachelor of Psychology degree from the University of Indonesia (2004). She served as Head of HCBP & Services at PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk (February 2023 - present), Head of HCBP & Talent Acquisition at PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk (May 2020 - January 2023), Head of HCBP Operation & Support Function at PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk (October 2018 - April 2020), and HCBP Operation & Finance at PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk (July 2016 - September 2018). She is the Executive Officer in charge of the human resources function of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk.
Serves as Member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk in accordance with the Decree of the Board of Directors No. 038/B/DIR-KPTS/VIII/2024 on the Remuneration and Nomination Committee of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk dated August 1, 2024.