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About Muamalat

Launching 1hram Card, Bank Muamalat Cooperates with VISA

Bekasi, November 16, 2018 - PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk. ("Bank Muamalat") carries out the grand launch of the Shar-E 1hram debit card (read: ihram) in one of the shopping centers in Bekasi, Friday-Sunday (November 16-18 2018). President Director of Bank Muamalat Achmad K. Permana was present at this event together with PT Visa Worldwide Indonesia President Director Riko Abdurrahman.

Permana said, as the first Islamic bank in Indonesia, it wanted Bank Muamalat to be the main choice in terms of banking services for the community in the Hajj and Umrah services. This is in line with the #AyoHijrah tagline launched by Bank Muamalat some time ago.

With the launch of the card, it is expected that the growth of fee-based income from customer transactions of Bank Muamalat can increase by 28% from last year. He is optimistic, 1hram cards will be a mainstay in boosting the growth of number of accounts (NoA) and increasing the portion of low-cost funds.

Riko Abdurrahman, President Director of PT Visa Worldwide Indonesia, said that he was honored to partner with Bank Muamalat, which is the first Islamic bank in Indonesia, to launch a 1hram card. This card is specifically designed to meet the needs of Indonesian pilgrims during the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

By using a 1hram card, customers of Bank Muamalat can prepare for the Hajj and Umrah trips in a practical and convenient way. In addition, pilgrims can get a more competitive exchange rate compared to exchanging cash at a money changer.

Every transaction at an ATM with a VISA / Plus logo in Saudi Arabia, customers can also use the Indonesian Language menu and free cash withdrawal fees (maximum 3 times with a maximum nominal SAR250). There are also shopping subsidies that apply at stores / merchants with the VISA / Plus logo with terms and conditions in effect.

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