PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk has a Code of Conduct as a form of commitment to carry out Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) principles in business operation and the compliance function. Code of Conduct is basic value for all Bank Muamalat Indonesia personnel and regulates the standards of conducts, value systems, business ethics, work ethics, commitment and enforcement of applicable regulations for members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners and employees. Code of Conduct becomes the basis for conducts and ethics in every business activity or in interacting with corporate stakeholders that refers to the Indonesian Bankers Code of Ethics, Bank Muamalat Indonesia Core Values and Ittifaq and is based on the best practices of implementing Good Corporate Governance. Code of Conduct of Bank Muamalat was stipulated by Board of Directors on 24 January 2017 Number 273/B/HCS-MEMO/I/2017.
The main points of the Code of Ethics that are regulated within the Bank include:
- Compliance to Islamic Rules and prevailing Laws and Regulations.
- To ensure the Halalness of the Source, Process and Results of the Work, including regulation of conflicts of interest, relationships with stakeholders, political activities of employees
- Discipline at Work and Performing Worship.
- Upholding Moral Ethics and Courtesy.
- Keeping the “Amanah”, including regulating behavior to maintain the good reputation of the Bank, to care for Bank facilities, to serve customers well, and to prevent violations
- Protect the Confidentiality of Customer and Company Information