Consumer & Retail Banking
Consumer & Retail Banking

Take the mortgage at Bank Muamalat to Realize Your Dream Home


House is a first foundation in life. Therefore owning a house is one big step for the newlyweds to build a strong household. However, the property market in Indonesia is so progressive that it causes high house prices, which in the end is not affordable by most people.


The solution for this problem is mortgage loans run by many banks in Indonesia. Bank Muamalat Indonesia also has a home financing product called KPR IB Muamalat. This service is a sharia based residential property financing with two system contract option of which is murabahah (buy-sell) or musyarakah mutanaqhisah (cooperation of rent).


Compared to other mortgage products, KPR IB Muamalat offers many advantages such as a 10 percent down payment and a fixed margin in the first two years of 9.5 percent. For a maximum financing 15 years period.


To apply the KPR IB Muamalat you must be at least 21 years of age, and the the financing period must be end at retirement age. And then your work status is at least two years employment for the contracted employee, and 1 year for permanent employee. You also get auto debit facility from Muamalat savings. KPR IB Muamalat also applies to the transfer of ownership (take over).


With the support from KPR IB Muamalat from Bank Muamalat Indonesia, you can immediately make your dream come true. You can have your own home which will become your family place to grow and develop in the future. Bank Muamalat Indonesia is always present for you to make your every dream for a better life come true.



PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk dinobatkan sebagai Best Islamic Bank in Indonesia 2009 oleh Islamic Finance News (Kuala Lumpur), sebagai Best Islamic Financial Institution in Indonesia 2009 oleh Global Finance (New York) serta sebagai The Best Islamic Finance House in Indonesia 2009 oleh Alpha South East Asia (Hong Kong).

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