Consumer & Retail Banking
Consumer & Retail Banking

Bank Muamalat holds a fun walk for the 27th anniversary


Assalaamu’alaikum Bmers!

In welcoming the 27th anniversary of Bank Muamalat which will fall on the 1st of May 2019, Bank Muamalat held a Fun Walk which thank God it went smoothly and orderly on Sunday, March 24, 2019.


This fun walk activity is one of a series of activities to welcome the 27th anniversary of Bank Muamalat. Other activities will be held on April 27, 2019 and the peak will be on May 2, 2019. The event involved all the board of directors, commissioners, DPS and all employees of Muamalat Tower headquarters and regional representatives from various branch offices in the Jakarta area.




The event was filled with morning exercise by all participants, prayers together and remarks from the President Director of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Mr. Achmad K. Permana. Furthermore, the participants were divided into several groups according to their directorates and each of them sang yells encouraging the event. Then enter the core of the Fun walk with a route starting from Menara Taspen (formerly the Arthaloka building) to the Semanggi area and back to the starting point on Jalan Jendral Sudirman.


Acara tersebut diisi dengan senam pagi oleh seluruh peserta, doa bersama dan sambutan dari Direktur Utama PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Bapak Achmad K. Permana. Selanjutnya peserta dibagi kedalam beberapa kelompok sesuai dengan direktoratnya dan masing-masing menyanyikan yel-yel penyemangat acara. Kemudian masuk ke inti acara Fun walk dengan rute yang dimulai dari Menara Taspen (dahulu gedung Arthaloka) sampai area Semanggi dan kembali ke titik awal di Jalan Jendral Sudirman.




The Arthaloka Building was chosen as the location of the activity because this building was previously the headquarters of Bank Muamalat before moving to Muamalat Tower. The event was closed by giving door prizes to lucky employees with the main door prize prize in the form of umrah packages for 2 people and 1 Vespa Piaggio for 1 winner.




Thank God, the fun walk activities were conducive, smooth and orderly, coupled with the enthusiasm of the employees who participated in the whole program to complete. This event is one form of gratitude for the increasing age of Bank 27th of Muamalat. With this fun walk, employees are also expected to participate actively in various activities and as a place of friendship between employees and management.




Hopefully Bank Muamalat becomes a blessing for all employees, management and our loyal customers. Thus, Bank Muamalat can continue to contribute to the advancement of the economy of the people.

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