Consumer & Retail Banking
Consumer & Retail Banking

Bank Muamalat Activities on October 28 and 30, 2019


The followings are the summary of Bank Muamalat's activities in several regions in Indonesia starting on October 28 and 30, 2019. We hope that these activities can make a positive contribution to community to begin their hijrah journey as part of the #AyoHijrah campaign which hopefully can encourage many people.


October 28th, 2019

Bank Muamalat Lampung Branch Established Cooperation with Darul Huffazh Islamic Boarding School

The cooperation form are salary accounts for teachers & employees and Simpel (Simpanan Pelajar-student savings) accounts. The cooperation was marked by the placement of an ATM machine in the location of the boarding school which was inaugurated directly by KH.Nursalam Abdul Mutalib (Head of the Darul Huffazh Islamic Boarding School) and accompanied by Nindya Qurrata 'Aini (Sub Branch Manager of KCP Antasari Lampung).




In addition, Bank Muamalat Lampung Branch team also conducted mass socialization & activation of Muamalat DIN to all teachers & employees of Darul Huffazh Islamic Boarding School.


Darul Huffazh Islamic Boarding School is the largest Islamic boarding school in Lampung with approximately 1,500 female and female students.


Bank Muamalat Tattoo Removal Service Program in Lombok

Bank Muamalat once again held a "Tattoo Removal Service Program" in Lombok in the series of the Tattoo Removal Roadshow throughout West Nusa Tenggara. This program is a form of collaboration between Bank Muamalat, Baitulmaal Muamalat, Yayasan Berdayakan Sesama (YBS), Islamic Medical Service (IMS) in Central Jakarta and synergizing with Komunitas Lima Waktu Creative Media.


Nasrullah (Head of BMI Mataram Branch) also gave his remarks at the event. Besides that, the event with the theme "Inspiration to Strengthen Friends of Hijrah" was also enlivened by the presence of Kang Agus Idwar from Jakarta (religious singer, founder of the band Snada) and Naja Hudia from Mataram (Indonesian young hafiz).




October 30th, 2019

Bank Muamalat Lampung Branch Established ATM Placement Cooperation at Diniyyah Putri Lampung Education Foundation

Bank Muamalat Lampung Branch now brings ATMs closer to customers at the Diniyyah Putri Lampung Education Foundation. The inauguration was attended by M. Hussein Sucipto (Lampung Branch Manager) and H. Halimah Syukur (Chair of Lampung Diniyyah Education Foundation). In addition, the foundation also cooperates in the placement of payroll for employees using the Muamalat Bank account. On this occasion the Bank Muamalat team also handed over a passbook and ATM card and activated the DIN (mobile banking muamalat) application for foundation employees who had opened accounts.


The Diniyyah Putri Lampung Education Foundation is the oldest foundation in Lampung which has been established for approximately 45 years and has 1,600 students.




South Sulawesi Governor's visit to Hijrah Coffee in Bank Muamalat

The Governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin visited Hijrah Coffee in Muamalat Tower, Jakarta. Also present in welcoming, Bank Muamalat Chief Executive Officer Achmad K. Permana and Bank Muamalat Retail Business Director Purnomo B. Soetadi.





Hijrah Coffee is the first Sharia coffee banking in Indonesia. In addition to serving delicious authentic Indonesian coffee, it also serves to open a savings account online. Please come  to stop by and enjoy the sophistication of banking while drinking coffee at Hijrah Coffee, Muamalat Tower at Jalan Dr. Satrio Kav. 18 Jakarta 12940.

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