Consumer & Retail Banking
Consumer & Retail Banking

Capital Financing for Your Businesses

As time goes by, quite a lot of people start thinking to make a change and become an entrepreneur rather than employee. The reason behind this diverse, ranging from wanting to stand on their own feet to wanting more time with the family because by opening their own business then the work time becomes flexible.


Often, when the intention to open a business is getting stronger, the prospective entrepreneur get stuck in the problem of working capital. For those who have savings  then the solution is to change the savings into venture capital. But for those who do not have enough savings then the problem of this capital will be a barrier. Don’t give up too quickly if you have problems about working capital. Bank Muamalat Indonesia has financing solution called iB Muamalat Working Capital for various business. The working capital financing is itself a financing product that will assist the business capital needs to maintain smooth and operational business .


The requirement to open IB Muamalat Working Capital from Bank Muamalat Indonesia is the business owner or company is a Indonesia citizen and the business entity has legality in Indonesia. IB Muamalat Working Capital has several benefits that you can get, among them.

  • Based on sharia principles with the choice of musyarakah, mudaraba, or murabaha contract in accordance with the specification of working capital requirements
  • Can be used to increase or meet additional sales turnover and finance raw materials or overhead costs
  • The financing period is adjusted to the working capital specification
  • starts from Rp 100 million platform
  • For individual Customers will be covered by life insurance so that the financing will be paid by the insurance company if the person pass away
  • Repayment before maturity is not subject to penalties
  • Can use both revolving and non-revolving schemes (depending on the characteristics of the Customer)
  • Can take advantage of sharia bank account financing to make it easier for you to withdraw financing


So if you need working capital to support your business, immediately build your own business with the financing of IB Muamalat Working Capital from Bank Muamalat Indonesia.



PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk dinobatkan sebagai Best Islamic Bank in Indonesia 2009 oleh Islamic Finance News (Kuala Lumpur), sebagai Best Islamic Financial Institution in Indonesia 2009 oleh Global Finance (New York) serta sebagai The Best Islamic Finance House in Indonesia 2009 oleh Alpha South East Asia (Hong Kong).

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