Consumer & Retail Banking
Consumer & Retail Banking

Let's invest in 011 Sukuk Retail!

Assalaamu’alaikum Bmers!


Starting at the beginning of March 2019, the government through the Ministry of Finance launched the Retail Sukuk again. Retail Sukuk are securities whose funds will be used to finance government infrastructure projects. Well, there are 6 important reasons why you should invest through 011 Sukuk Retail: 


1. In accordance with sharia

The first reason is of course the most important thing for Muslims, namely the investment of halal sukuk and according to sharia, in accordance with the fatwa of the National Sharia Council Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI DSN) no 69 / DSN-MUI / VI / 2008, no 70 / DSN-MUI / VI / 2008 , and 76 / DSN-MUI / VI / 2010. God willing, because it is in accordance with sharia, sukuk investment will bring more blessings.


2. Safe

011 Retail Sukuk is issued and managed by the government so we can count on its security. As long as the Indonesian government is still healthy, the funds played in 011 Retail Sukuk are certainly safe.


3. Interesting Coupons

011 Retail Sukuk offers a coupon (yield) of 8.05% per year which is paid monthly. In comparison, generally the interest / profit sharing of deposits only ranges from 7.5% to 7.7% per year with a large minimum fund placement requirement. While in the Retail Sukuk 011, the minimum fund placement provisions are very light. 


4. Affordable

The minimum investment placement in 011 Retail Sukuk is only Rp1 million. This value is more or less equivalent to the cost of drinking kopo in a café for a month. Very affordable by the wider community, right?


5. Tax is lighter

The applicable tax on the 011 Sukuk Retail coupon is 15%, lighter than the interest tax / profit sharing deposit which reaches 20%. Great right! the coupon is higher, the tax is lighter too!


6. Can be traded

011 Retail Sukuk has a period of 3 years, which means that the principal of the investment fund will be disbursed back to the investor's account by 2022. What if we need the funds before 2022? Relax, 011 Retail Sukuk can also be traded on the secondary market starting June 11, 2019. If we need the investment fund principal to return sooner, just sell the 011 Sukuk Retail. Easy and free of all types of fines or penalties commonly applied in deposit products.


Let's start investing in 011 Retail Sukuk! The registration period is only until March 19, 2019! Bank Muamalat as one of the 011 Retail Sukuk distribution partners is ready to serve your investment needs. Available cashback for certain minimum placements, you know! Immediately visit the nearest Bank Muamalat branch office.

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