Consumer & Retail Banking
Consumer & Retail Banking

Plan for Qurban Saving? Use IB Muamalat Saving Plan

Qurban is a annual religious event that rarely missed, various underlying purposes in carrying out the obligations for qurban, for example to get closer to Allah SWT as contained in Q.S Al-Kautsar which reads, "Then establish prayer for your Rabb and do the qurban."


Another purpose is to undergo the sunnah / guidance of the tauhid people and spread the happiness to the poor and give alms to them. Assessed in terms of economic, qurban can not be considered an affortable thing for some people. The high price of qurban animal and fluctuating price every year becomes a challange in qurban, it is meaning that it takes a fix and far-reaching plan to qurban.


Bank Muamalat Indonesia presents a IB Muamalat Saving Plans service that can help in planning funds for qurban, Tabungan IB Muamalat is a financial planning services that are managed in accordance with the principles of sharia. IB Muamalat Plans Savings account has a light deposit, ranging from 100 thousand per month with a range of time ranging from 3 months to 20 years so it is easier in managing the time required for qurban.


IB Muamalat Planning Saving has facilities that make you comfortable like autodebet of monthly deposit from fund account, and funds that will move automatically when reach the due date (link to:


The terms in opening the IB  Muamalat Saving Plan is the participant must be at least 17 years old and maximum 60 years, but it also has a savings account Muamalat IB as a source of funds that will be deposited as a monthly deposit. IB Muamalat Savings Plans are the right choice for financial planning for qurban, because Bank Muamalat Indonesia's mission is to build a sustainable and sustainable Islamic financial institution with an emphasis on entrepreneurship spirit based on prudent principles, the excellence of Islamic and professional human resources as well as innovative investment orientation , To maximize value to all stakeholders (link to:



PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk dinobatkan sebagai Best Islamic Bank in Indonesia 2009 oleh Islamic Finance News (Kuala Lumpur), sebagai Best Islamic Financial Institution in Indonesia 2009 oleh Global Finance (New York) serta sebagai The Best Islamic Finance House in Indonesia 2009 oleh Alpha South East Asia (Hong Kong).

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