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The Merits of Performing Umrah in Ramadan

Umrah, also known as the lesser pilgrimage, is a religious practice among Muslims that entails visiting the Holy Kaaba in Masjid Al-Haram, Makkah. This act of devotion presents a chance to renew one's faith, ask for forgiveness for transgressions, and enhance one's spiritual connection with Allah (SWT).

Umrah can be performed at any time, but there are special merits if it is performed during Ramadan. These merits exist because, in this blessed month, all acts of worship are multiplied. Here are some of the virtues of performing Umrah in the month of Ramadan.

Great Rewards

Performing Umrah in Ramadan has great virtues because all acts of worship performed in Ramadan are multiplied. Even Umrah in Ramadan is equivalent to performing Hajj with the Prophet. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

العمرةُ إلى العمرةِ كفَّارَةٌ لمَا بينَهمَا ، والحجُّ المبرورُ ليسَ لهُ جزاءٌ إلا الجنَّةُ

"When the month of Ramadan comes, perform Umrah, because Umrah in the month of Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj with me (in reward)." (Bukhari and Muslim)

This means that the reward gained from Umrah in Ramadan is equal to the reward of performing the obligatory act of Hajj. However, this does not exempt one from the obligation of performing Hajj.

Presence on the Night of Laylatul Qadr

In addition to great rewards, performing Umrah in Ramadan also provides an opportunity to be present in the Masjid al-Haram during the Night of Laylatul Qadr. Laylatul Qadr is a special night in which Allah gives rewards equal to a thousand months. By performing Umrah in Ramadan, we have the opportunity to be present in the Masjid al-Haram during the Night of Laylatul Qadr.

Opportunity to Increase Worship

Ramadan is a month full of blessings, where the opportunity to worship is abundant. We can take advantage of this moment to perform acts of worship such as prayer, reading the Quran, and making supplications. In addition, performing Umrah in Ramadan also provides an opportunity to increase other acts of worship, such as Tawaf and Sa'i, which can only be performed in the holy land.

Forgiveness of Sins

Performing Umrah in Ramadan also has virtue because Allah forgives sins. Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

العمرةُ إلى العمرةِ كفَّارَةٌ لمَا بينَهمَا ، والحجُّ المبرورُ ليسَ لهُ جزاءٌ إلا الجنَّةُ

"Between one Umrah and another is an atonement for any sins committed between them. An accepted Hajj has no reward except Paradise." (Bukhari and Muslim)

InshaAllah, by performing Umrah in Ramadan, we can obtain forgiveness for our past sins.

Performing Umrah with Hijrah Multiguna Umrah 

Hijrah Multiguna Umrah is a financing facility for planning Umrah with Ijarah Multijasa financing without Wakalah. Customers can choose a package that suits their desires and needs. This program has also collaborated with travel agencies licensed and accredited by the Kementerian Agama RI.

What are the benefits?

  • Following Sharia principles
  • Financing packages follow the travel packages provided
  • Can depart with family
  • Fixed installments until the end of the financing
  • Easy document requirements
  • Already collaborated with various trusted travel agencies

Therefore, Multiguna Umrah Hijrah is the right solution for those who want to perform Umrah worship in Ramadan because it can be adjusted to their ability.

These are some of the virtues of Umrah in the month of Ramadan. May Allah always facilitate all of our acts of worship and make it easy for us to perform Umrah or Hajj to the House of Allah, BMers!

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