Consumer & Retail Banking
Consumer & Retail Banking

Bank Muamalat Activities on November 1st and 8th, 2019


The followings are the summary of Bank Muamalat's activities in several regions in Indonesia starting on November 1st and 8th, 2019. We hope that these activities can make a positive contribution to community to begin their hijrah journey as part of the #AyoHijrah campaign which hopefully can encourage many people.


November 1st, 2019

Bank Muamalat Present at the Launch of Green Sukuk Retail ST006

On November 1, 2019, Green Sukuk Retail ST006 series was officially launched by the Ministry of Finance. Bank Muamalat is appointed to be one of the agent who is ready to distribute this investment instrument.


Green Sukuk Retail ST006 Series which is the first Green Sukuk in the world was officially offered on 1-21 November 2019, with a maturity date of November 10, 2021. Minimum purchase value of Rp1 million and a maximum of Rp3 billion.




A minimum coupon of 6.75% applies with the floating system in accordance with the BI 7 Days Repo reference. Currently, BMers can order Sukuk through Bank Muamalat Internet Banking until 21 November 2019.


November 4, 2019

"Run with 1000 Dhuafa" activities at Bank Muamalat Makassar Branch

Bank Muamalat Makassar Branch successfully held the "Half Marathon: Run with 1000 Dhuafas" event on Sunday, November 3, 2019 at the Losari Beach Pier, Makassar yesterday. The activity that carries the theme of "Unity in Diversity" is a collaboration between the Muamalat Bank Makassar Branch and Baitulmaal Muamalat, and the Makassar City Government.





The program began with dhikr and pray, dawn prayers, reading the verses of the Koran, and providing assistance to the poor in Makassar and continued with running activities together.


Also attended the occasion; Ahmad S. Ilham (Sulampua Region Head), Agussalim (Sulampua Region Operational Service Manager), Wisnu Satria Bharata (Makassar Branch Manager), Andi Fajar Nugraha (Makassar Branch Operation Service Manager) along with the Makassar City Government.


November 5, 2019

Bank Muamalat Malang Branch Assigned Muamalat Scholarship to 12 Students of Malang University

Bank Mumalat Malang Branch and Baitulmaal Muamalat have assigned Muamalat Bachelor Scholarships to 12 students with a total scholarship of Rp368,000,000 on November 4, 2019.




The scholarship was presented by Danang Rokhmad Sulendra (Branch Manager of Malang Branch of BMI) and BMM Utilization Manager to Prof. Dr. Masykuri Bakri (Rector of UNISMA).


November 6, 2019

World Zakat Forum International Conference and Annual Meeting 2019

Bank Muamalat Indonesia participated in the "World Zakat Forum International Conference And Annual Meeting 2019". The event was held yesterday and today (5-6 November 2019) at Crown Plaza Hotel Bandung.




Also presented on the occasion Achmad K. Permana (CEO of Bank Muamalat) and Bank Muamalat's team from the Islamic Enterprice & Alliances Division. The World Zakat Forum (WZF) is a forum that accommodates more than 33 zakat institutions throughout the world.

Relocation of Bank Muamalat KCP Makassar-Gowa

For BMers who lived in the Sungguminasa City area – Gowa district and its surroundings, starting from November 4, 2019 Bank Muamalat KCP Makassar - Gowa moved to the following location:


KCP Makassar - Gowa
Jl. K. H. Wahid Hasyim
Ruko Balla Lompoa Plaza Blok B2
Gowa - Sulawesi Selatan




November 8, 2019

Bank Muamalat Participates in the Sharia Economy Festival (FESyar) in Surabaya

Bank Muamalat, represented by KH Mas Mansyur Branch, Surabaya Darmo Branch and Sungkono Branch, participated in a series of Festival Ekonomi Syariah (FESyar) events in Surabaya, East Java, which began on November 6-9, 2019.


Also attending the event were Purnomo B. Soetadi (Retail Banking Director of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk) and Irvan Julian Noor (Chief Corporate Banking Officer). On this occasion Bank Muamalat also participated in a business matching activity with PT Barata Indonesia (Persero) for supply chain financing of Rp100 billion.





Festival Ekonomi Syariah (FESyar) is a form of Bank Indonesia's support for the vision of the Indonesian state as a center for world economic and sharia financial development as well as a means to display and promote products and activities related to Islamic economy structurally throughout Indonesia.



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