Consumer & Retail Banking
Consumer & Retail Banking

Bank Muamalat Campaigning #AyoHijrah Movement Moves with Bloggers

Assalamualaikum BMers,

What happens if a group of bloggers are good at face to face with the management of Islamic banks? It turns out so exciting!

Last Friday, July 26, 2019, Bank Muamalat held a discussion forum titled "Hijrah Talk" at Muamalat Hijrah Coffee, Lobby Muamalat Tower. This activity presented cleric Erick Yusuf with the topic "Let's Move to Live Better and Full of Blessings". On this occasion Bank Muamalat also announced as well as giving a prize to the winner of the #AyoHijrah blog competition.

The event was started by MC Putri Dwiandari (president of Hijabers Community) with a relaxed dialogue exploring the daily lives of bloggers. One interesting similarity from these bloggers is that they are not only good at stringing words, but also good at capturing images through the camera. The discussion about photography is a very exciting topic on this occasion!

In the next session, President Director of PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Achmad K. Permana delivered his remarks. He stated that the #AyoHijrah blog competition is not for commercial purposes only, but also invites the general public to emigrate in various aspects of life. He hopes that bloggers can share the #AyoHijrah spirit in their upcoming writings.

The event was continued with the giving of Umrah prizes for the main winner of the #AyoHijrah blog competition, Triani Retno Adiastuti, who had made an inspirational writing entitled "#AyoHijrah with Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Living Quietly and Blessing". The real story of Retno in her blog is retold with great emotion. When I started telling stories, Retno in tears recalled how bitter the past life was due to debt bondage and usury. How uneasy and not blessing his life at that time that it took all the assets and integrity of the household and even the blood of his flesh. At the lowest point in his life, Retno finally got the guidance to emigrate. The full story can be read here


The second winner who won the Fujifilm XA5 Camera prize was Katerina S. Katerina wrote about her hijrah experience starting from closing genitalia, getting married to buying a house without usury. The full story can be read here. While the third winner who got the Vivo V15 smartphone is Maria Goreti Sri Candrati with a migratory story that is no less inspiring about her Muslim journey. The full story can be read here.

On the next occasion, Ustadz Erick Yusuf conveyed about the transformation of hijrah. When someone intends to be sincere in migrating, any test for him will feel beautiful and cool. Ustad Erick appealed to the bloggers to continue working and writing to inspire the public to emigrate. Not to forget, he also expressed his pride to Bank Muamalat for the idea of ​​Muamalat Hijrah Coffee as "the first sharia hijrah coffee" in Indonesia.

Muamalat Hijrah Coffee is a new service breakthrough integrating Bank Muamalat customer service with a coffee place. Here customers can enjoy modern Islamic banking services while sipping the pleasure of 100% original Indonesian coffee.

There was no notice of the talk show & discussion until the last session. The enthusiastic bloggers took turns asking questions. They also expressed their gratitude and admiration for the appreciation of Bank Muamalat who invited them to this valuable opportunity.

Hijrah has broad meaning. Not just repairing that which is not good, but also increasing the already good. Bnak Muamalat is ready to play a role in its capacity as a financial institution, helping people who intend to migrate to banking services according to sharia principles.


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