Product & Services
Product & Services

iB Hijrah Hajj Saving Account

Product Detail

Why Hajj with Muamalat Bank?

  1. The first Sharia commercial bank in Indonesia that is managed professionally and purely Sharia.
  2. One of the Recipient Banks for Controlling Hajj Operational Costs (BPS-BPIH), which is registered at SISKOHAT Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.
  3. Tabungan iB Hijrah Hajj offers a complete solution for your religious journey.
  4. Banks that are committed to facilitate customers to emigrate and always be better.



  1. Online with SISKOHAT (Integrated Hajj Computerized System) Ministry of Religion
  2. The year of departure and the amount of the deposit can be adjusted and the autodebet facility is free of charge
  3. Inner peace because funds are managed in sharia
  4. Easy deposit, can be through the counter teller, e-Banking and scheduled transfers (both daily and monthly)



For adults

  1. Photocopy of KTP / SIM
  2. NPWP

For children

  1. Parent's identity (KTP and NPWP)
  2. Birth certificate or family card


Document Requirements for Hajj Portion Registration

  1. Original KTP according to domicile and following the provisions of KTP-el or other valid proof of identity
  2. Original Family Card
  3. Original Birth Certificate or Birth Identification Letter or Marriage Certificate Quotation or Diploma
  4. Savings Book
  5. 5 pieces of 3 x 4 color photographs (for banks)
  6. Passport photo to KEMENAG Office * according to identity
  7. Obligatory to the Office of KEMENAG according to the identity of a maximum of 5 working days after obtaining a validation number from the Bank




Wadi’ah Yad Dhamanah

Service fee


Initial deposit

Rp 50.000,- (RTJH : Rp 25 Million)

Minimum balance

Rp 50.000,-

Book replacement fee

damaged / lost savings

Rp 25.000,-

Account closing fee *

Rp 25.000,-

* Terms & conditions apply