Securities (SBSN) are issued Government Securities? based on sharia principles, as proof of part inclusion against SBSN assets, both in rupiah currency and foreign currency (Government Regulation No. 19 of 2008). SBSN is instrument investment that can give potential return results still with level relative risk? low.
Bank Muamalat Indonesia offers you a solution through investment in various SBSN products. Term SBSN time depends on each series issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Currently, Bank Muamalat only marketing SBSN issued by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia which consists of on:
- Retail SBSN (Retail Sukuk and Savings Sukuk)
- SBSN Based Financing Project (Project Based Sukuk)
- SBSN in Foreign Currency (USD; INDOIS)
Anything? profit invest in SBSN instruments ? Let's take a look the advantages are below This :
1. |
Safe Government ensure full payment SBSN coupons and principal value by 100% |
2. |
Competitive Yield Yields/coupons paid are very competitive with the tax charged only by 10%, compared to deposit by 20% |
3. |
Sharia compliant SBSN obtain fatwas and statements Sharia Compliance of the National Sharia Council – Indonesian Ulema Council |
4. |
Investment Convenience Retail Sukuk and PBS can be sold in the secondary market. Bank Muamalat as stand by buyer, while for Savings Sukuk available for early redemption, with maximum 50% of the total value investment |
5. |
Easy and Affordable You can invest with only by having Bank Muamalat account and a valid ID. |
State Sharia Securities can purchased on the primary market or secondary market at Bank Muamalat :
Primary Market
The primary market - is the market where securities are valuable, in matter This is SBSN/Sukuk, traded for first time to investors.
As for example, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia will give information complete around issuance and offering period of the SBSN. Starting from return results, period due, and so on. In addition , the Government will also to announce partner distribution from the new SBSN just they publish . It is intended to make it easier for retail investors to purchase SBSN. Bank Muamalat has also been appointed as a Distribution Partner official sales of Retail Sukuk and Savings Sukuk in the primary market. After the period offer ended, investors are unable to buy in the primary market, but still have the opportunity to buy in the secondary market of Bank Muamalat after the minimum holding period for SBSN ends.
Secondary Market
Even though the period offers in the primary market has ended, there is still a secondary market of Bank Muamalat that facilitates the SBSN trade.
Bank Muamalat's secondary market aims to facilitate SBSN owners who intend to disburse valuable letters before maturity date. Investors can sell SBSN in the secondary market.
Common types of SBSN purchased by retail investors are Savings Sukuk (ST) and Retail Sukuk (SR). However, Savings Sukuk (ST) series does not tradable on the secondary market, but it has an early redemption feature, where the holder may redeem the holding balance by 50% on the time scheduled for early redemptionwhich can be done direct via internet banking channel (online).
Before Investing in SBSN products, let's get to know the risk !
As an investor in SBSN products, there is potential exposure risk that you have to learn before investing in the SBSN product.
- Default risk is risk if the investor may not obtain payment of funds promised by the issuer at the time product investment due date? rewards/coupons and principal. As capital market instruments, including Retail Sukuk is free instrument? risk because they are guaranteed by the State.
- Market risk? is potential loss for investors (capital loss) because of selling Retail Sukuk before maturity date, with price sell below the buy price. This can be avoided by holding Retail Sukuk until the maturity date.
- Risk liquidity is a potential loss where investors have difficulties to trade in the Secondary Market. This can be mitigated since PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk, (BMI) acts as seller agent also as Stand Buy Buyer in Secondary Market.
Profit Investing in SBSN
The benefits and advantages of SBSN products:
- Guaranteed by the Government based on Government Regulation no. 19 of 2018, SBSN Retail does not have default risk.
- Profitable. SBSN yields are competitive and higher than deposit banking
- Lower tax. SBSN are subject to tax only 10%, lower than deposit tax which is 20%.
- In accordance Sharia provisions . Published according to the Fatwa and get opinion from DSN - MUI (National Sharia Council - Indonesian Ulema Council).
- Regular Income. Sukuk coupon is paid in fixed amount every month until the maturity date.
- Convenience investment. During the investment period, investors receive the fixed coupon every month (for Retail Sukuk and Savings Sukuk) or every 6 months (for PBS and Indois) and at the maturity date, investors will accept the return of principal amount by 100%, guaranteed by the government.
- Liquid *, can be sold after minimum holding period
- Capital Gain**, potential to obtain profit on increase retail government bond prices in secondary market trading
- Affordable, with nominal investment starting from IDR 1million.
- Participating in National Development. The proceeds from the issuance of SBSN products are used to finance development of Indonesia
- Can made into as financing collateral at Bank Muamalat Indonesia, in accordance applicable terms and conditions.?
* Retail Sukuk and PBS trading can be carried out on stock exchange days with sell price in accordance agreement at the time transaction
**Sell / buy price depends on market conditions
Retail SBSN Order Procedure in the Primary Market
- Investors must have Muamalat Bank account. Opening an account can be done at closest branch or download the application DIN address on PlayStore & AppStore for online opening account. Required documents? are KTP and NPWP.
- Investors register for Securities Accounts for SID and SRE registration by following the transaction process on internet banking.
- Ensuring investment funds already funded in the account that will be debited.
- Booking and payment online on internet banking until transaction status become completed order
- Tutorial on ordering sukuk via internet banking accessed at
- The minimum order for Retail Sukuk and Savings Sukuk is IDR 1,000,000.00 (one) million rupiah) and multiples thereof, while maximum purchase is IDR 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah) or IDR 10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion rupiah), depending on term sukuk time, cumulative throughout whole agent sellers per investor.
Procedure SBSN Transactions in the Secondary Market
- Transactions in the Secondary Market can done after the end time specified minimum holding period.
- Investors contact Bank Muamalat to inquire the quotation price on the transaction day, and simulation to purchase or Retail Sukuk.
- Transaction done based on the price agreed by the Investor with Bank Muamalat or other parties
- Signing the Forms required with attach photocopy of valid KTP and Confirmation Letter ownership (if there is any)
Mechanism Payment Principal and Coupons
- Principal payment carried out by the Government through Bank Indonesia as agent SBSN payers, according to recorded SBSN ownership in the Subregistry system, in 2 (two) workdays before date of coupons payment and / or maturity of SBSN (record date)
- BMI will credit the sukuk owner's fund account according to the coupons amount received? from Bank Indonesia by the time of coupon date payment.
- BMI will credit the sukuk owner's fund account according to the principal amount received? from Bank Indonesia by the time of maturity date.
Savings Sukuk ST013 is available in the primary market with characteristics product as the following:
Product name |
Savings Bonds Series ST013 |
Publisher |
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Indonesian SBSN Issuing Company |
Contract |
Wakalah |
Offer Period |
November 8, 2024 (09.00 WIB) – December 4, 2024 (10.00 WIB) |
Time period |
2 years (ST013T2) and 4 years (ST013T4) |
Rewards |
ST013T2 6.40 % pa ( floating with floor ) (BI Rate+ 40 bps) ST013T4 (Green Sukuk) 6.50 % pa ( floating with floor ) (BI Rate+ 50 bps)
Due date |
November 10, 2026 (ST013T2) November 10, 2028 (ST013T4) |
More information related Sukuk Tabungan ST013 can downloaded here