Product & Services
Product & Services

Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk

Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) is one of the social investments in Indonesia where cash waqf is collected by Nazhir through Bank Muamalat Indonesia as a Cash Waqf Receiving-Sharia Financial Institution (LKS-PWU) and will managed and placed in State Sukuk or SBSN (State Sharia Securities) instruments issued by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu).

CWLS Retail managed based on sharia principles, does not contain element of usury, gharar (obscurity), and maysir (gambling), and has received a statement of sharia conformity from the National Sharia Council – Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI)

Investment returns from cash waqf placed in CWLS will be distributed to Mauquf ' Alaih in accordance with programs from partner Nazhir.


Purpose of Publishing CWLS Retail

  1. Facilitate public in donating cash waqf more easily and safely
  2. Support development of Islamic financial markets, in particular cash waqf
  3. Part of development and innovation efforts in the field finance and investment Islamic society in Indonesia
  4. Develop diversification in sharia banking business, through optimization the role of the LKS PWU
  5. Support the development of the national waqf ecosystem, especially strengthening national waqf governance and institutions
  6. Provide alternative instrument investment management cash waqf for Nazhir



  1. Safe and risk-free instrument
  2. Facilitate waqif to get participate in programs/ activities productive
  3. With a minimum of IDR 1 million you can contribute to development social sector in Indonesia
  4. Funds will return 100% at maturity
Temporary waqf -> funds return to the wakif

Permanent waqf -> funds returned to Nazhir

  1. Support management and utilization of cash waqf funds in a transparent and accountable manner


Investing Procedures:

Wakif can follow as well as the Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk program through:


Online (For Individual waqif and temporary waqf)

  1. Customers register internet banking via Bank Muamalat ATM and activation of internet banking financial transactions to branches via customer service
  2. Create SID (Single Investor Identification) and Sub Securities Account via Bank Muamalat Internet Banking (for those who don't have one)
  3. Customer registers eSBN in internet banking
  4. Prospective waqif places orders via Bank Muamalat Internet Banking after reading provisions in the info memo
  5. Payment carried out via Bank Muamalat Internet Banking with a specified time limit determined
  6. Receive Certificate CWLS ownership via registered email after settlement/issuance date


Offline (For non- individual waqif or individual waqif with eternal waqf)

  1. Potential waqif comes to the Bank Muamalat Branch Office, create an SID and Sub Securities Account.
  2. Prepare documents in the form of a copy of NPWP and Deed Company Establishment
  3. Fill out waqf forms and forms, deeds pledge waqf, and standing instructions if you want to make eternal waqf
  4. After the documents and forms have been checked suitability by the bank officer, you will receive a copy of the Deed Waqf Pledge
  5. The CWLS purchasing process has been completed, you will Certificate CWLS ownership after settlement / issuance date


CWLS SWR005 is currently in the offer period with characteristics product as following:


Product Name 



Government Republic of Indonesia through the Indonesian SBSN Publishing Company



Offer Period

9 August 2024 (09.00 WIB) – 9 October 2024 (10.00 WIB)


2 years

Investment Return

6.50% floating with floor BI Rate + 0.25% donated to social programs


October 10, 2026


Baitul Mal Muamalat (BMM)

Main Program

Empowerment Breeder on Islamic Boarding Schools Based in Eastern Indonesia

Companion Program

Tahfizh Scholarship at Waqf Assets Quran Learning Center Yogyakarta


Frequently Asked Questions related CWLS SWR005 product can downloaded here